
Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Are you still waxing, shaving, or using unpleasant hair removal creams? These methods of getting rid of unwanted hair can not only be costly over time, but they can also be very time consuming and inconvenient. Laser hair removal is an effective treatment with permanent hair reduction results. Javan uses the finest technology from Syneron Candela’s Gentle Max Pro, which can treat any skin color as well as any hair color. Common areas for Laser Hair Removal among women include bikini areas, full face, legs, underarms, and abdomen areas. Common areas among men include shoulders, chest, and back.

How does it work?

Laser Hair Removal involves the process of converting laser technology to heat energy. Our device delivers an intense but gentle burst of energy onto a targeted area of the skin to destroy the root within the follicle, and prevent new hair growth in the future. To reduce discomfort, our device simultaneously delivers a cooling sensation to counter the laser’s intense heat. Laser Hair Removal always requires multiple sessions to yield the most optimal results because of the Hair Regrowth Cycle. Once an appropriate treatment package is determined, generally 6 treatments per area, our experts will begin the treatment process.

What Can I Expect?

Our licensed staff always provides realistic expectations for Laser Hair Removal, which is why a thorough consultation is important to assess suitability, reduce any risk, and help best practices before, during, and after each treatment. Laser hair removal can result in a long-lasting reduction in face and body hair growth for years. The effects can vary from person to person and will also depend on how many treatments are performed. While it is possible for hair to grow back after laser hair removal from hormonal reasons among others, hair growth will be greatly reduced. Touch up treatments are recommended in order to maintain optimal results.
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